The Mystery of Consciousness
In a recent Creativity Circle we explored "The Mystery of Self." This writing is by Celeste Regal
I have always known myself. I have never known myself.
The mysterious thing of consciousness is the most intriguing topic. Who are we, why are we? Full of matter and jurisprudence. Full of spirit and mystical delight.
The mystery is everything.
It is where we begin and end. All notions of art are wedged in the uneven spaces of mystery. It echoes through time, while being timeless. Searching for the answer is our reason for living. We weep over the mystery as often as we revel in its joyous human equation.
Into the night the ghosts of ourselves, our deepness tramples over our days. There is no end to it. Creative, electric, we all know at least a little about the sweet vagaries of mystery, the eternal something.
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I have always known myself. I have never known myself.
The mysterious thing of consciousness is the most intriguing topic. Who are we, why are we? Full of matter and jurisprudence. Full of spirit and mystical delight.
The mystery is everything.
It is where we begin and end. All notions of art are wedged in the uneven spaces of mystery. It echoes through time, while being timeless. Searching for the answer is our reason for living. We weep over the mystery as often as we revel in its joyous human equation.
Into the night the ghosts of ourselves, our deepness tramples over our days. There is no end to it. Creative, electric, we all know at least a little about the sweet vagaries of mystery, the eternal something.
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